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cPanel/WHM/OpenVZ/Xen/Linux/IPMI Lik`s forum

RvSiteBuilder install/update

RVSiteBuilder - Installation for cPanel server

1. If your server has RVSkin installed, please update RVSkin to v6.75 up. (Skip this step if you don't have it).
Code: Select all
perl /root/rvadmin/

2. After get the license confirmation, SSH to your cPanel server as root, download the installer using the command below:
Code: Select all
cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/
rm -f rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar
tar -xvf rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar
chmod 755 addon_rvsitebuilder.cgi
rm -f rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar

3. Open root WHM, at the bottom left menu under ...
Read more : RvSiteBuilder install/update | Views : 9858 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Server Side Actions

OpenLDAP and php in easyapache - Centos 5

To install Openldap support in easyapache:

First we need to install the openldap rpms:

WHM>Software>Install RPM
- installed openldap
- installed openldap-servers
- installed openldap-devel - if it is not installed, you'll get "Cannot find ldap.h" error while recompiling - this also needs cyrus-sasl-devel installed
(If cyrus-sasl-devel won't install - find your existing version and download it from the centos mirror
- installed openldap-clients - for working from command line

if you are using php5, ...
Read more : OpenLDAP and php in easyapache - Centos 5 | Views : 3592 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Server Side Actions

cPanel SPF and Domain Keys install

You can install domain keys on a cPanel server easily for a single domain, in this tutorial I am using cPanel 11.
Run the following command shown below:
Code: Select all
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/domain_keys_installer username

(i.e.: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/domain_keys_installer afrizal)

It will automatically installing Domain Key for the domain ( successfully.
Now you can verify it from the db record of the domain. The following new entry will be added in the db record.
Code: Select all
vi /var/named/

Now run commands below:
rndc reload ...
Read more : cPanel SPF and Domain Keys install | Views : 5043 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Server Side Actions

Exim error (...local_delivery...never_users list)

If you get "User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list" error on exim_paniclog, you can try to fix it.
The issue appears to be with some of the libraries the following commands should fix it:
Code: Select all
ln -s
/scripts/eximup --force
/etc/rc.d/init.d/exim restart
Read more : Exim error (...local_delivery...never_users list) | Views : 10018 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Server Side Actions

Fantastico De Luxe install notes Fantastico De Luxe install notes

Original installation notes can be found at :

If you have Fedora Core 5/6 or CentOS 5 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 on your server and are experiencing troubles with respect to upgrades (forced or otherwise) of Click Be! or Fantastico or Universina, please check the wget version that you have on your server.

If it is wget-1.10.2-3.3.fc5 or wget-1.10.2-7.el5 or wget-1.10.2-8.fc6.1, we suggest that you replace it immediately with an older and/or ...
Read more : Fantastico De Luxe install notes | Views : 3523 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Server Side Actions

RvSkin install/uninstall

To uninstall RVSkin:
Run this command:
Code: Select all
perl /root/rvadmin/

Then terminate "rvadmin" account from WHM.
To reinstall rvadmin
Code: Select all
mkdir /root/rvadmin;
cd /root/rvadmin;
bunzip2 -d rvauto.tar.bz2;
tar -xvf rvauto.tar;
perl /root/rvadmin/
Read more : RvSkin install/uninstall | Views : 2229 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Server Side Actions

Perl install/reinstall

From the official cPanel FAQ:

Prior to upgrading Perl, it is a good idea to ensure that each module gets carried over to the update Perl version using the "autobundle" CPAN feature. You will need to execute this command via root in SSH:

Code: Select all
perl -MCPAN -e 'autobundle'

Once this is complete, you should have the the following outputted before returning to the shell:
Code: Select all
'Wrote bundle file /home/.cpan/Bundle/'

Make a note of the filename before ...
Read more : Perl install/reinstall | Views : 2367 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Server Side Actions




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