RvSiteBuilder install/update

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RvSiteBuilder install/update

Postby lik » Sun Dec 14, 2008 3:58 am

RVSiteBuilder - Installation for cPanel server

1. If your server has RVSkin installed, please update RVSkin to v6.75 up. (Skip this step if you don't have it).
Code: Select all
perl /root/rvadmin/auto_rvskin.pl

2. After get the license confirmation, SSH to your cPanel server as root, download the installer using the command below:
Code: Select all
cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/
rm -f rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar
wget http://download.rvglobalsoft.com/rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar
tar -xvf rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar
chmod 755 addon_rvsitebuilder.cgi
rm -f rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar

3. Open root WHM, at the bottom left menu under Plugins section, you will find RVSiteBuilder Installer menu.
4. Click RVSiteBuilder Installer to begin the installation process.
5. After complete the installation, you will be sent to RVSiteBuilder Manager automatically. Please configure RV SiteBuilder immediatly.
6. Done!! Your cPanel should show the RVSiteBuilder as a feature in all cPanel users. Special note for specific cPanel skin:

* RVSkin - It will automatically integrate RVSiteBuilder to RVSkin. You may need to edit the Package-Feature List if RV Site Builder doesn't show up or you don't want some hosting packages access to it.
* X Skin and some which support addon api - It will automatically display on cPanel. You also able to manage the feature list in WHM Feature Manager.
* CPSkins - Upgrade RVSiteBuilder to v1.07 up. You have to manually integrate it by editting file /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/themename/index.html. Insert
Code: Select all
      <cpanel include="rvsitebuilder/RVSTopFrame.html">

      On the top of the page. And edit /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/themename/main.php. Place

      <cpanel include="rvsitebuilder/RVS2CPSkinmenu.html">

in the area you want to show the RVSiteBuilder Icon. Don't edit file RVS2CPSkinmenu.html. Your change will be lost when you update RVSiteBuilder. If you want to edit it just copy it to the new name and change the cpanel include path to the new one.

Some times, mod_security may block web-based RvSiteBuilder update process.

To avoid this, one may change settings of this module, or simply run following command as 'root':
Code: Select all
perl /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilderinstaller/autoinstaller.cgi

Possible when your provider update RVSiteBuilder is uncomplete to
install PEAR package 'RVSeagullMod' for component use database.

To install PEAR package manually, run:
for php
Code: Select all
/usr/bin/pear install -f /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/scripts/RVSeagullMod-1.0.1.tgz

for php
Code: Select all
/usr/local/bin/pear install -f /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/scripts/RVSeagullMod-1.0.1.tgz

Possible errors:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::quoteIdentifier() in /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/lib/SGL/Task/Install.php on line 560

Problem is effect form database fail. You can resolve this problem by instruction below:

run command on you server.
Code: Select all
rm /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/var/{serverIPaddress}.conf.php
rm /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/var/rvautosetting.conf.ini.php

get [url]http://{serverIPaddress}:2086/cgi/rvsitebuilder/setup.php[/url]
Insert new values for DB name and DB user.
Posts: 497
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

RvSiteBuilder re-install

Postby lik » Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:59 pm

Execute following commands to remove information about current RvSiteBuilder installation:
Code: Select all
rm -f /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/var/INSTALL_COMPLETE.php
rm -f /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/rvsitebuilderversion.txt

And proceed with the RvSiteBuilder install:
Code: Select all
perl /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilderinstaller/autoinstaller.cgi

For update RVSitebuilder to v4.00. You must SSH to your cPanel server as root, and run the command.
Code: Select all
cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/
rm -rf /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilderinstaller/
rm -f rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar
wget http://download.rvglobalsoft.com/rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar
tar -xvf rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar
chmod 755 addon_rvsitebuilder.cgi
rm -f rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar
perl /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilderinstaller/autoinstaller.cgi
Posts: 497
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

RvSiteBuilder logs

Postby lik » Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:14 am

Logs can be enabled with help of WHM interface. But there is an interesting feature, available in the user`s RvSiteBuilder interface in the left bottom corner, which can be used for per-user log feature.
Posts: 497
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

RvSiteBuilder uninstall

Postby lik » Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:13 pm

# Back up the configuration files
How to uninstall RVSiteBuilder

Back up the configuration files
Code: Select all
mkdir /var/cpanel/.rvglobalsoft
cd /var/cpanel/.rvglobalsoft
cp -a /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/var ./
cp -a /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/www/project ./

Remove the RVSiteBuilder files
Code: Select all
rm -rf /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar
rm -rf /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilderinstaller
rm -rf /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilder
rm -f /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/addon_rvsitebuilder.cgi
rm -rf /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft
rm -rf /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/*/rvsitebuilder
rm -f /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x/cells/rvsitebuilder.htm
rm -f /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/dynamicui/dynamicui_rvsitebuilder.conf
Posts: 497
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

RvSiteBuilder - file rvsitebuilder.lic. in Unknown on line 0

Postby lik » Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:19 am

Fatal error:
The encoded file /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/www/ionctestlicense.php requires a license file rvsitebuilder.lic. in Unknown on line 0

Code: Select all
rm -f /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/rvsitebuilder.lic
rm -f /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/rvsitebuilder-pro.lic
perl /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilderinstaller/autoinstaller.cgi
Posts: 497
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

How can I get rid of a license error "...has expired"?

Postby lik » Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:40 am

Permission of file /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/rvsitebuilder.lic is not correct. It should be 0464. There are two resolutions.

1. Update RVSiteBuilder to version 4.74 or higher, it'll no longer appear the error.
2. If the error keep being appeared after done two ways above, please run the command below.

Code: Select all
php /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/updatelicense.php
Posts: 497
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

RvSiteBuilder license check

Postby lik » Wed May 02, 2012 6:18 am

You can check status of the RvSiteBuilder license for particular IP address on the following page:
Posts: 497
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

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