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Deprecated. There is a better alternative form different points of view - please check SolusVM

HyperVM Migration

Minimum Requirements

* There should be a separate node for each entity of hyperVM such as for Master hyperVM Node a corresponding FluidVM Management Node, for a slave openvz/xen node in hyperVM a corresponding openvz/xen compute node ....
* The target FluidVM node/server should be of almost equal or greater hardware configuration.
* Free Hard disk space for the new openvz/xen node is required to be greater than that of the filesystem space occupied by ...
Read more : HyperVM Migration | Views : 5918 | Replies : 2

FluidVM update (Management node)

Instructions for update:
1. Login to management server
2. As "root" run
Code: Select all

(installed already as part of FluidVM)
3. Clear your browser caches and re-access the management server UI.
Read more : FluidVM update (Management node) | Views : 2193 | Replies : 0

Resource plans essence

How can we change a VPS servers resource plan after it has been created?

One thing that needs to be understood is the way resource plans are treated in FluidVM. A resource plan is not attached to VMs, rather it is attached to users. For example, you can create a user with a resource plan that allows for 2 VPSs, 40G memory and 120G storage. The user can now create up to 2 VMs and ...
Read more : Resource plans essence | Views : 4664 | Replies : 1

How can I move FluidVM to another server?

My management server hardware crashed! How can I move FluidVM to another server?

The steps are simple:
1. Install the base OS
2. Install the latest version of FluidVM
3. Reboot
4. Update your copy by running "" from the management node.
5. Stop management server (/etc/init.d/vkarma stop)
3. Copy the database from the old system to the new one. The file in question is /var/cache/vkarma/fluidvm_development.db
4. Copy all additional OS templates (OpenVZ and Xen) ...
Read more : How can I move FluidVM to another server? | Views : 1969 | Replies : 0

What services must be run for FluidVM

What services must be run for FluidVM?

The physical machine hosting the FluidVM Management server typically runs the management server and the services for the FluidVM browser based interface. It does not have to be this way, depending on the load, it is possible to move the interface services to another system.

On the FluidVM Management server:

Code: Select all

This is the main back-end server
Code: Select all

This is the front-end core server
Code: Select all

This ...
Read more : What services must be run for FluidVM | Views : 2142 | Replies : 0

Compute node - vkservices startup issue

From /var/log/vkservices.log on the compute node:
2009-08-07 12:12:54,917 471 INFO started
2009-08-07 12:12:57,543 471 ERROR stopping with an exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 189, in start
File "./", line 64, in run
File "./", line 49, in start_server
File "./", line 154, in __init__
File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/", line 253, in __init__
SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self, addr, requestHandler, logRequests)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/", line 473, in __init__
SocketServer.TCPServer.__init__(self, addr, requestHandler)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/", line 330, in __init__
self.server_bind() ...
Read more : Compute node - vkservices startup issue | Views : 2102 | Replies : 0

Which ports must be left open for FluidVM to work properly

Which ports must be left open for FluidVM to work properly?

Management server API port - 8080
Web interface core port - 8282
Web interface web server port - 8086
FluidVM Agents (Running on the Compute Nodes) - 8181
VNC ports - 5900+
Read more : Which ports must be left open for FluidVM to work properly | Views : 2325 | Replies : 0

Creating new VPS from an existing templated VM

If the disk space occupied by the template after uncompressing is greater then 1G, the VPS will not get created. This is confirmed by FluidVM staff by creating a large template with lots of junk in it. All of the built-in profiles in FluidVM have this limitation, since they are based on "vps.basic" supplied by OpenVZ. However, fixing this is simple. On the compute node, delete all the configs that have "Guaranteed" in their name ...
Read more : Creating new VPS from an existing templated VM | Views : 2119 | Replies : 0

Make OPENVZ templates visible in web interface

Make OPENVZ templates visible in web interface

Once you have copied the templates across to /openvz-templates folder on the MANAGEMENT server you need to press the Sync Templates button in Virtual Cockpit->Templates-> (Top right and corner there should be a button).
Read more : Make OPENVZ templates visible in web interface | Views : 2556 | Replies : 0


VirtualServerNotHalted:Virtual server is not halted
Actions -> Stop Virtualserver
Virtualserver Halt initiated.

FluidVM FAQs
From The FluidVM Wiki
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* 1 What services must be run for FluidVM?
* 2 Which ports must be left open for FluidVM to work properly?
* 3 My management server hardware crashed! How can I move FluidVM to another server?
* 4 Can the FluidVM Management server run from a VM?
* 5 Full ...
Read more : FluidVM FAQ | Views : 5153 | Replies : 1




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