What services must be run for FluidVM

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What services must be run for FluidVM

Postby lik » Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:22 am

What services must be run for FluidVM?

The physical machine hosting the FluidVM Management server typically runs the management server and the services for the FluidVM browser based interface. It does not have to be this way, depending on the load, it is possible to move the interface services to another system.

On the FluidVM Management server:

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This is the main back-end server
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This is the front-end core server
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This is the front-end web server

On the compute nodes:
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This is the compute node agent service updater. Agents are kept on the management server. They are passed on to the updater and the updater in-turn starts them. The Agent Updater is also responsible for running FluidVM software updates.
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Such called, "Binary Karma Containers Node Services". Please note that it is important to stop the agent updater before you stop the agent. If you stop the agent without stopping the agent updater, the agent updater will re-start the agent in a few seconds.

By default the installer, will turn on these services to start automatically during boot-up.
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