Creating new VPS from an existing templated VM

Deprecated. There is a better alternative form different points of view - please check SolusVM

Creating new VPS from an existing templated VM

Postby lik » Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:56 am

If the disk space occupied by the template after uncompressing is greater then 1G, the VPS will not get created. This is confirmed by FluidVM staff by creating a large template with lots of junk in it. All of the built-in profiles in FluidVM have this limitation, since they are based on "vps.basic" supplied by OpenVZ. However, fixing this is simple. On the compute node, delete all the configs that have "Guaranteed" in their name from /etc/vz/conf.
Code: Select all
cd /etc/vz/conf
rm -f *Guaranteed*

/etc/vz/conf -> ../sysconfig/vz-scripts

Later from the UI, go to Virtual Cockpit -> Container Profiles. Choose a profile you want to use for these VPSs and edit it. Scroll down to the "Disk Parameters" area. Set "Disk Space" to something large like "100000000" and its hard limit to "150000000". Save it. Now create a VPS based on the container profile you fixed.
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Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

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