CloudLinux - Load Averages

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CloudLinux - Load Averages

Postby lik » Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:09 pm

Load Averages
[kernel lve0.8.44 and later]

CloudLinux has a modified way to calculated load averages, as processes can wait on CPU because of LVE limits, and not because of lack of CPU resources. Previously, our LA algorithm was ignoring uninterruptable processes. You can now switch to another LA algorithm that accounts for uninterruptable processes by running:
Code: Select all
echo N > /sys/module/lve/parameters/lve_unint_hack

This line can be added to /etc/rc.local to make sure it is executed on startup
Switching to that mode will cause higher load averages during high IO activity intervals. This should be useful on cPanel servers that have high IO Wait without high load average
You can always switch back by running:
Code: Select all
echo Y > /sys/module/lve/parameters/lve_unint_hack

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