Load balance virtual machines

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Load balance virtual machines

Postby lik » Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:19 am


The LBVM consists of several scripts that allow to load balance virtual machines (currently preconfigured: Xen and OpenVZ) among physical servers - the algorithm is fully configurable. LBVM uses the Red Hat Cluster Suite to provide high availability and rgmanager (part of the Red Hat Cluster Suite) to perform the actual migration. Developed cluster scripts for Xen and OpenVZ allow the rgmanager to perform live migrations with zero-downtime to provide maximum reliability and uptime. The load balancing algorithm uses preconfigured resources (cpu, mem, load; fully configurable) to decide when and where to move a virtual machine. Reports and migrations are logged and also available in human-readable format.

RPM packages allow to easily integrate and update the LBVM in a running environment. An existing virtual machine can be transformed to a clustered, load balanced machine with a single command.

LBVM is an optimized solution for critical services and offers high availability as well as load sharing among servers to guarantee an efficient use of physical devices. Another advantage is that it can be easily implemented and adapted to meet the requirements of enterprise environments.
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