Adaptec RAID controller monitoring

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Adaptec RAID controller monitoring

Postby lik » Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:28 am

Download the Storage Manager RPM for your card model and architecture from the official site
If you run /usr/StorMan/arcconf and get this error:
./arcconf: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You need to preload additional library:
Code: Select all
export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/StorMan/"

Help information can be obtained with the help of the following command:
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Code: Select all
  | UCLI |  Adaptec uniform command line interface
  | UCLI |  Version 6.40 (B18530)
  | UCLI |  (C) Adaptec 2003-2009
  | UCLI |  All Rights Reserved

 COPYBACK      | toggles controller copy back mode
 CREATE        | creates a logical device
 DATASCRUB     | toggles the controller background consistency check mode
 DELETE        | deletes one or more logical devices
 FAILOVER      | toggles the controller automatic failover mode
 SNAPSHOT      | creates a copy of a logical device
 GETCONFIG     | prints controller information
 GETLOGS       | gets controller log information
 IMAGEUPDATE   | update physical device firmware
 GETSTATUS     | displays the status of running tasks
 GETVERSION    | prints version information for all controllers
 IDENTIFY      | blinks LEDS on device(s) connected to a controller
 KEY           | installs a Feature Key onto a controller
 MODIFY        | performs RAID Level Migration or Online Capacity Expansion
 RESCAN        | checks for new or removed drives
 ROMUPDATE     | updates controller firmware
 SETALARM      | controls the controller alarm, if present
 SETCONFIG     | restores the default configuration
 SETCACHE      | adjusts physical or logical device cache mode
 SETMAXIQCACHE | adjusts MaxIQ Cache settings for physical or logical device
 SETNAME       | renames a logical device given its logical device number
 SETNCQ        | toggles the controller NCQ status
 SETPERFORM    | changes adapter settings based on application
 SETPOWER      | power settings for controller or logical device
 SETPRIORITY   | changes specific or global task priority
 SETSTATE      | manually sets the state of a physical or logical device
 TASK          | performs a task such as build/verify on a physical or logical device

To check the RAID status you can execute the following (check status of the physical disks):
Code: Select all
/usr/StorMan/arcconf getconfig 1 ld

Look at device status:
Status of logical device : Optimal

As always, additional information can be found at logs:
Code: Select all
cat /usr/StorMan/RaidEvtA.log
Adaptec_CLI_v6.40.18530 - User's Guide
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Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

Re: Adaptec RAID controller monitoring

Postby lik » Thu May 03, 2012 11:14 pm

To simplify libraries preload one can also use the following shell wrapper:
Code: Select all
cd "/usr/StorMan"
if [ -n "/usr/StorMan" ] ; then
        if [ "${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+set}" = "set" ] ; then
                export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/StorMan"
                export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/StorMan"
exec ./arcconf "$@"
Posts: 497
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

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