OMD - The Open Monitoring Distribution

Nagios is a powerful monitoring system that enables organizations to identify and resolve IT infrastructure problems before they affect critical business processes.

OMD - The Open Monitoring Distribution

Postby lik » Wed May 01, 2013 12:32 am

OMD avoids the tedious work of manually compiling and integrating Nagios addons while at the same time avoiding the problems of pre-packaged installations coming with your Linux distribution, which are most times outdated and provide no regular updates.

OMD bundles Nagios together with many important addons and can easily be installed on every major Linux distribution. We provide prebuilt packages for all enterprise Linux distributions and also for some other, such as Ubuntu.

multiple instances per host: OMD supports multiple but separated Nagios instances on the same machine - so called sites, i.e. for one production usage and one test environment.
separate omd user per instance: each site has its own operating user. No root permissions are needed for administration.
script based tarball building: if you decide to compile omd for yourself, you get a single tarball with all neccessary paths and binaries. Installing this tarball on hosts is as simple as extracting a common tar file.
simple creation of new sites: omd create mysite create the site and omd start starts all stuff.
supporting different omd version at the same time: you can install different versions in parallel, i.e. running your production instance with the last hard rock version and using the most current version in your test environment. There is an omd upgrade available, but at this time don't rely on it, it is experimental!
plattform independent paths: omd installs to /opt/omd on all plattforms. If you don't like this, you can symlink omd to every location you want.
speed optimizations: using ncpdmod (NEB module) for processing performance data, rrdcached to speed up rrdtools, tmpfs for check results and livestatus for some webfrontends we try to reduce the disk I/O.

What OMD contains

OMD currently comes with the following software:

- Nagios
-- nagios-plugins
-- nsca
-- check_nrpe
- Icinga
- Shinken
- NagVis
- pnp4nagios
- rrdtool/rrdcached
- Check_MK
- MK Livestatus
- Multisite
- Dokuwiki
- Thruk
- Mod-Gearman
- check_logfiles
- check_oracle_health
- check_mysql_health
- jmx4perl
- check_webinject
- check_multi
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Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

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