Update IPMI firmware on Supermicro X9SCx/X9SCx

Common interfaces to a computer system that system administrators can use to monitor system health and manage the system

Update IPMI firmware on Supermicro X9SCx/X9SCx

Postby lik » Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:08 am

IPMI update instructions for Supermicro X9SCL/X9SCM:

1. Download firmware update on your local PC:
Code: Select all
wget -O SMT_X9_164.zip "http://www.supermicro.com/support/resources/getfile.aspx?ID=1743"

2. Print and backup current IPMI settings:
Code: Select all
ipmitool lan print 1

3. Disable IPMI driver (OpenIPMI or FreeIPMI) on the server and keep it so during the process of firmware update:
Code: Select all
service ipmi stop
service ipmievd stop

4. Log into IPMI web interface.
5. Go to the tab 'Maintenance' and click on 'Firmware Update'.
6. Click on the button 'Enter Update Mode'.
7. Choose the file with the firmware (SMT_X9_164.bin downloaded at step #1) and click on the button 'Upload Firmware'.
8. Click on the button 'Start Upgrade'.
After that you will see a popup message: “Please wait 1 minute” and when you click on the button 'OK' on this popup message IPMI will reboot itself.
9. In case IPMI interface isn't accessible after update you will have to reset IPMI settings to the factory default with the help of IPMICFG utility.

!!! Firmware update through the web interface is the preferred method of firmware upgrade method than using the CLI lUpdate.
IPMI firmware for X9SCL/X9SCM: SMT_X9_164.bin (use it on your own risk!)
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