Update IPMI firmware on Supermicro X7xxx/X8xxx motheboards

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Update IPMI firmware on Supermicro X7xxx/X8xxx motheboards

Postby lik » Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:13 am

IPMI update instructions for Supermicro X7DVL:

1. Download firmware update on your local PC:
Code: Select all
wget "ftp://ftp.supermicro.com/CDR-SIMIPMI_1.13_for_SIM_IPMI/Firmware/SIMxx/ugsim160.bin"

2. Print and backup current IPMI settings:
Code: Select all
ipmitool lan print

3. Disable IPMI driver (OpenIPMI or FreeIPMI) on the server and keep it so during the process of firmware update:
Code: Select all
/etc/init.d/ipmi stop
/etc/init.d/ipmievd stop

4. Log into IPMI web interface.
5. Go to the tab 'Maintenance' and click on 'Firmware Update'.
6. Click on the button 'Enter Update Mode'.
7. Choose the file with the firmware (ugsim160.bin downloaded at step #1) and click on the button 'Upload Firmware'.
8. Click on the button 'Start Upgrade'.
After that you will see a popup message: “Please wait 1 minute” and when you click on the button 'OK' on this popup message IPMI will reboot itself.
9. In case IPMI interface isn't accessible after update you will have to reset IPMI settings to the factory default with the help of IPMICFG utility.

IPMI update instructions for Supermicro X8DTL-IF/X8DTL-3F/X8DTL-6F:
1. Download IPMI firmware update on your local PC for your motherboard from http://www.supermicro.com/support/bios/Firmware0.aspx
For X8DTL, for example, it would be SMT_243.zip
2. Print and backup current IPMI settings:
Code: Select all
ipmitool lan print

3. Disable IPMI driver (OpenIPMI or FreeIPMI) on the server and keep it so during the process of firmware update:
Code: Select all
/etc/init.d/ipmi stop
/etc/init.d/ipmievd stop

4. Log into IPMI web interface.
5. Click on the 'Maintenance' icon in the Menu bar.
6. Click on 'Enter Update Mode' button to enter the update mode. Follow the instruction on the page to browse and update your firmware on the IPMI card. Your IPMI firmware image has .bin extension (SMT_243.bin). Once device has entered the firmware update mode, the device will be reset even if you cancel the process of firmware updating.
7. In case IPMI interface isn't accessible after update you will have to reset IPMI settings to the factory default with the help of IPMICFG utility.

IPMI update instructions for Supermicro (CLI case):
1. Upload firmware on the server:
Code: Select all
wget -O SMT_243.zip "http://www.supermicro.com/support/resources/getfile.aspx?ID=1887"

2. Print and backup current IPMI settings:
Code: Select all
ipmitool lan print

3. Disable IPMI driver (OpenIPMI or FreeIPMI) on the server and keep it so during the process of firmware update:
Code: Select all
/etc/init.d/ipmi stop
/etc/init.d/ipmievd stop

4. Upload IPMI FW tool to the server (you will find required binaries inside the archive):
Code: Select all
wget "ftp://ftp.supermicro.com/utility/IPMI%20FW%20flash%20tools/SMT/IPMI%20Flash%20Utility%20and%20instruction.zip"

5. Unpack zip archive and set executable permissions on lUpdate:
Code: Select all
chmod +x lUpdate

6. Execute it without any additional parameters to get minimal option list:
Code: Select all

Code: Select all
* ATEN Technology, Inc.                                                     *
* FUNCTION   :  IPMI FIRMWARE UPDATE UTILITY                                *
* VERSION    :  1.20                                                        *
* BUILD DATE :  May 18 2012                                                 *
* USAGE      :                                                              *
*             (1)Update FIRMWARE : lUpdate -f filename.bin [OPTION]         *
*             (2)Dump FIRMWARE   : lUpdate -d filename                      *
*             (3)Restore CONFIG  : lUpdate -c -f filename.bin               *
*             (4)Backup CONFIG   : lUpdate -c -d filename.bin               *
* OPTION                                                                    *
*   -i the IPMI channel, currently, kcs and lan are supported               *
* LAN channel specific arguments                                            *
*   -h remote BMC address and RMCP+ port, (default port is 623)             *
*   -u IPMI user name                                                       *
*   -p IPMI password correlated to IPMI user name                           *
*   -r Preserve Configuration (default is Preserve)                         *
*      n:No Preserve, reset to factory default settings                     *
*      y:Preserve, keep all of the settings                                 *
*   -c IPMI configuration backup/restore                                    *
*      -f [restore.bin] Restore configurations                              *
*      -d [backup.bin] Backup configurations                                *
* EXAMPLE                                                                   *
*   we like to upgrade firmware through KCS channel                         *
*   lUpdate -f fwuperade.bin -i kcs -r y                                    *
*   lUpdate -d fwdump.bin -i kcs -r y                                       *
*                                                                           *
*   we like to restore/backup IPMI config through KCS channel               *
*   lUpdate -c -f restore.bin -i kcs -r y                                   *
*   lUpdate -c -d backup.bin -i kcs -r y                                    *
*                                                                           *
*   we like to upgrade firmware through LAN channel with                    *
*   - BMC IP address port 623                                   *
*   - IPMI username is usr                                                  *
*   - Password for alice is pwd                                             *
*   - Preserve Configuration                                                *
*   lUpdate -f fw.bin -i lan -h 623 -u usr -p pwd -r y          *
*   lUpdate -d fwdump.bin -i lan -h 623 -u usr -p pwd -r y      *
*                                                                           *
*   we like to restore/backup IPMI config through LAN channel with          *
*   - BMC IP address port 623                                   *
*   - IPMI username is usr                                                  *
*   - Password for alice is pwd                                             *
*   - Preserve Configuration                                                *
*   lUpdate -c -f fw.bin -i lan -h 623 -u usr -p pwd            *
*   lUpdate -c -d fwdump.bin -i lan -h 623 -u usr -p pwd        *

7. Now we are ready to flash IPMI FW with the new firmware:
Code: Select all
./lUpdate -f ../SMT_243.bin -i kcs -r n

Here "../SMT_243.bin" is unpacked firware image.
8. Follow the onscreen messages and allow some time for a BMC module to reload.

IPMICFG utility - how to reset IPMI to the factory defaults

Additional notes/resources:
FirstToGo site with IPMI FW : http://www.supermicro.com/ResourceApps/BIOS_IPMI.aspx
FTP site with IPMI FW : ftp://ftp.supermicro.com/Firmware/Nuvoton/X8DTL/
IPMI FW flasher (Linux,DOS,Win) : ftp://ftp.supermicro.com/utility/IPMI%20FW%20flash%20tools/SMT/
IPMI firmware for X8DTL-xF : SMT_243.bin (use it on your own risk!)
md5sum : 4976aceafbd5e7b7d77b07ab04f014ce
(16 MiB) Downloaded 1593 times
IPMI firmware for X7DVL : ugsim160.bin (use it on your own risk!)
md5sum : 73dcf1dad14c245d7eaee034eaf4b2eb
Version 01.60.00 (Build 5420) / Feb-12-2009-20-00
(4.2 MiB) Downloaded 1499 times
Posts: 497
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

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