Install/uninstall cPanel proxy domains

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Install/uninstall cPanel proxy domains

Postby lik » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:36 am

How can I (or my customers) access webmail, cPanel and WHM on port 80? I am behind a strict firewall?

We have built functionality into cPanel to use and over port 80 so that you can still access cPanel and your webmail behind a proxy server. Simply replace with the name of your website.

This functionality can be turned on and off in the Tweak Settings menu of WHM. The specific setting is called 'Automatically create cpanel, webmail, webdisk and whm proxy subdomain DNS entries for new accounts. When this is initially enabled it will add appropriate proxy subdomain DNS entries to all existing accounts. (Use
Code: Select all
to reconfigure the DNS entries manually)'

To enable proxydomains for the whole server:
Code: Select all
/scripts/proxydomains add

To enable for all domains on one user’s account:
Code: Select all
/scripts/proxydomains –user=<user> add

To enable for a single domain:
Code: Select all
/scripts/proxydomains –domain=<domain> add

From here, you can access the proxy at (or webmail/whm, respectively), or access cPanel normally and let it detect whether you are behind a firewall.
Posts: 497
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

cPanel Proxy

Postby lik » Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:33 pm

This script is made for people who use cPanel. Its purpose is to give access to cPanel (including webmail and WHM) at port 80 by acting like a proxy. (For people behind strict firewalls.) It can be installed by server owner, reseller or end-users.

Code: Select all
cPanel Proxy 0.4.1

Purpose: Give access to cPanel (including webmail and WHM) at port 80 by
         acting like a proxy. (For people behind strict firewalls)
         This can be installed by server owner, reseller or end-users.

Author:  Niels Andersen <[email protected]>

- Send me an email if you use this (specially if you are a host)
- Send me improvements if you make any
- Update this text if you change the script
- Don't change this text otherwise, specially I hope you will keep my
  email-address and the url

Installation instructions:
- Create subdomain "" (You'll probably need access to
  cPanel for this, so install it before you need it!)
- Download and unzip (if you haven't already)
- Upload the files to the subdomains directory, probably "public_html/cpanel"
  in FTP. Be sure to remember .htaccess!
  Needed files: cpanelproxy.php .htaccess php.ini

Install for webmail and whm:
- Repeat with "webmail" in stead of "cpanel" in subdomain and directory.
- Repeat with "whm" in stead of "cpanel" in subdomain and directory.

Auto Installer:
- A new feature on the website makes it easier to install cPanel Proxy, and
  you can even do it thru your firewall. All you need to do is to enter your
  cPanel login information, at the auto installer will take care of the rest.

Known problems:
- No https
- cPanel will say that you are logging in from "localhost". This may be
  considered a security problem by some people.

Other suggestions for improvement:
- Persistent sockets
- Adjust buffer-sizes (currently they are all 10240)


0.1 (2003-10-15) (not released)
- Just a quick hack, but it works.

0.2 (2003-10-22)
- Nicer code
- Lots of comments
- Documentation
- Better error-messages

0.3 (2003-11-01)
- Made support for uploading files
- Minor adjustments

0.3.1 (2003-12-06)
- Bugfix: Forms with content-type "multipart/form-data" and no files didn't
  work. For example, you couldn't add memos in Horde. Thank you for
  reporting this bug.

0.4 (2004-06-13)
- Hide HTTP Authentification, as it won't work in CGI mode
- Allow more than 1 cookie from server
- Always preserve Content-type from browser
- Better hostname correction in data from server
- Now supports servers with PHP in CGI mode and php suexec
- Hovering over "Home" icon in webmail frontpage display image correctly
- Different (better?) install procedure
- Documentation in separate file
Thank you all bug reporters!

0.4.1 (2004-06-26)
- New homepage location ( )
  References in README and script updated
- Autoinstaller is mentioned in README
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Posts: 497
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

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