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The Xen® hypervisor, the powerful open source industry standard for virtualization, offers a powerful, efficient, and secure feature set for virtualization of x86, x86_64, IA64, ARM, and other CPU architectures.

Resize (increase) Xen HVM domU disk space (RAW)

1vm. swapoff
2vm. fdisk /dev/hda -> remove swap partition (comment in fstab)
3dom0. shutdown domU
Code: Select all
xm shutdown vm112

Code: Select all
 lvextend /dev/xennode1/vm112_img -L125G -v

[root@xennode1 ~]# lvextend /dev/xennode1/vm112_img -L125G -v
Finding volume group xennode1
Archiving volume group "xennode1" metadata (seqno 134).
Extending logical volume vm112_img to 125.00 GB
Found volume group "xennode1"
Found volume group "xennode1"
Loading xennode1-vm112_img table (253:1)
Suspending xennode1-vm112_img (253:1) with device flush
Found volume group "xennode1"
Resuming xennode1-vm112_img (253:1)
Creating volume ...
Read more : Resize (increase) Xen HVM domU disk space (RAW) | Views : 4156 | Replies : 0

Xen Cloud Platform 1.0 (TODO)

XCP 1.0 is the first full release of the Xen Cloud Platform.
Read more : Xen Cloud Platform 1.0 (TODO) | Views : 2967 | Replies : 0

How to exit from 'xm console'

You can enter into domU using the xm utility:
# xm

Usage: xm <subcommand> [args]

Control, list, and manipulate Xen guest instances.

Common 'xm' commands:

console Attach to <Domain>'s console.
vncviewer Attach to <Domain>'s VNC server.
create Create a domain based on <ConfigFile>.
new Adds a domain to Xend domain management
delete Remove a domain from Xend domain management.
destroy Terminate a domain immediately.
dump-core Dump core for a specific domain.
help Display this message. ...
Read more : How to exit from 'xm console' | Views : 45288 | Replies : 0

Xen dom0 not enough free loop devices starting a new domU

Xen dom0 not enough free loop devices when trying to start a new domU or when trying to "mount -o loop" from the cmdline

Linux "loop" module has max 8 loop devices (/dev/loop*) as a default. Every Xen "file:" backed domU disk uses one loop device in dom0, and if you do "mount -o loop disk.img /mnt" in dom0 that uses a loop device aswell.

You can check all the loop devices in use by ...
Read more : Xen dom0 not enough free loop devices starting a new domU | Views : 4105 | Replies : 0

How to install XEN of higher version than 3.3.0 on CentOS5.x

How to install XEN of higher version than 3.3.0 on CentOS5.x

In my case basic OS CentOS 5.4 x86_64 was used.
Browse to and grab the needed repo file for your arch and put it into /etc/yum.repos.d. (in this case x86_64).

In case a repo file you need doesn't exist but the folder with this version exists on this repository, then you may simply download any of repo files and change its entry.
Suppose ...
Read more : How to install XEN of higher version than 3.3.0 on CentOS5.x | Views : 4148 | Replies : 0

Xen domU kernel modules install/update

Xen kernel module on each virtual machine (domU) need to be updated to match kernel version on the underlying server (dom0).

Error will be shown in your virtual machine when it is not matched, such as in your iptables, e.g.:
Code: Select all
# iptables -L

iptables v1.3.5: can't initialize iptables table `filter': iptables who? (do you need to insmod?)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.

To resolve the issue and install the missed kernel ...
Read more : Xen domU kernel modules install/update | Views : 5266 | Replies : 0

Code: Select all
wget ""
Read more : FSArchiver | Views : 2574 | Replies : 0

Short TUN/TAP devices description

In computer networking, TUN and TAP are virtual network kernel drivers. They implement network devices that are supported entirely in software, which is different from ordinary network devices that are backed up by hardware network adapters.

TAP (as in network tap) simulates an Ethernet device and it operates with layer 2 packets such as Ethernet frames. TUN (as in network TUNnel) simulates a network layer device and it operates with layer 3 packets such as ...
Read more : Short TUN/TAP devices description | Views : 3284 | Replies : 0




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