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Here you can find tutorials and notes for server-side maintenance/configuration
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Useful MySql notes Useful MySql notes

Administrating a MySQL server

Setting the password:
1. From Unix shell:
shell> mysql -u username -h hostname -p password
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'username'@'localhost'=PASSWORD('new_password');

2. Directly manipulate the privilege tables:
shell> mysql -u username -h host -u username -p
mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('new_password') WHERE user='root';

3. Using the mysqladmin command:
shell> mysqladmin -u username password new_password

In our case we were able to change password specifying host name along with user ...
Read more : Useful MySql notes | Views : 5685 | Replies : 1

Bug with MailMan ImportError: No module named korean

Bug with MailMan ImportError: No module named korean

Sometimes, you may get the following error on cpanel error log while creating mailing list.
File “/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/bin/mailmanctl”, line ****, in ?
import paths
ImportError: No module named korean

Code: Select all
uname -i

then do accordingly:
Code: Select all
yum install python-devel.i386
yum install python-devel.x86_64

Read more : Bug with MailMan ImportError: No module named korean | Views : 2260 | Replies : 0

cPanel scripts

Short explanation of the cPanel scripts (located in /scripts/ directory):

* adddns - Adds a DNS zone.
* addfpmail - Add frontpage mail extensions to all domains without them.
* addfpmail2 -Add frontpage mail extensions to all domains without them.
* addnetmaskips - Add the netmask to all IPs that have no netmask.
* addnobodygrp - Adds the group nobody and activates security.
* addpop - Add a Pop Account.
* addservlets - Add ...
Read more : cPanel scripts | Views : 3635 | Replies : 0

Copy Linux System Copy Linux System

* Linux distribution: RedHat/Fedora
* Bootloader: grub
* The current running Linux system harddisk will, from now on, be called "old harddisk."


With the arrival of kernel-2.6.20, all the harddisk device names are now /dev/sdx. It used to be /dev/hdx for ide harddisk and /dev/sdx for SCSI. The following is the old naming convention:

EIDE0 primary /dev/hda
EIDE0 secondary /dev/hdb
EIDE1 primary /dev/hdc
EIDE1 secondary /dev/hdd

With the new naming convention, the first harddisk ...
Read more : Copy Linux System | Views : 2365 | Replies : 0

One PHP.ini for all folders

If you want to use only one php.ini file for all your sites you need to create .htaccess file in main directory (/public_html/.htaccess) and put into variable:
SetEnv PHPRC /location/to_dir/containing/phpinifile
For example:
SetEnv PHPRC /home/user/public_html/php.ini

Note: This solution highly depends on PHP mode.
Read more : One PHP.ini for all folders | Views : 2313 | Replies : 0

WordPress password change

Password for wordpress user can be easily changed with help of PhpMyAdmin. Navigate to the database -> users. Select to edit an entry.
Change type of the input value to MD5 and type new password.
Read more : WordPress password change | Views : 2347 | Replies : 0

Helpful cPanel application "cpuwatch"

With every cPanel installation, there is a binary located at /usr/local/cpanel/bin/cpuwatch, what cpuwatch does is that it executes the command and monitors the load, if the load goes past the set limit, it will stop the application and resume it after the load averages are below the threshold for a few seconds, the usage for it is very simply

# /usr/local/cpanel/bin/cpuwatch
Usage: cpuwatch <maxload> (<-p PID>|<command> [arguments])
maxload : system load at which throttling should ...
Read more : Helpful cPanel application "cpuwatch" | Views : 4635 | Replies : 0

10 tips 10 tips

10 Tips for making your cPanel and WHM servers more secure
June 24th, 2007

Please note that these tips are suggestions only and cPanel takes no responsibility for modifications to individual servers, or the security practices of individual servers. Server security is a collection of compromises, as any server that allows connections could be insecure. These tips are to be followed at your own risk.

1) Use secure passwords!

Insecure passwords are the most common ...
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Eaccelerator guide/tips


Choose the preferable version and install it:
Code: Select all
cd /usr/local/src
    bzip2 -d eaccelerator-
    tar xvf eaccelerator-
    cd eaccelerator-

Check if all needed modules presented in the system:

    * apache >= 1.3,
    * mod_php >= 4.1,
    * autoconf,
    * automake,
    * libtool,
    * m4

Sometimes php-devel package needed, because phpize function is used to compile php:
Code: Select all
yum install php-devel
whereis phpize

Commonly it`s in /usr/bin/phpize.
In this situation we should do ...
Read more : Eaccelerator guide/tips | Views : 2116 | Replies : 0

Install Zend Optimizer on cPanel server

It is very easy to install zend optimizer on a cPanel based web servers, the steps are as below:

Login to your web server as root

Execute the script:
Code: Select all
Read more : Install Zend Optimizer on cPanel server | Views : 5268 | Replies : 1




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