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This RRD was created on another architecture

When you want to copy/move from one platform to another, you can use
"rrdtool dump" to convert them to a portable XML format, then "rrdtool
restore" to restore them to a binary format appropriate for the

See "man rrddump" and "man rrdrestore" for details.

Code: Select all
for i in *.rrd; do rrdtool dump $i > `basename $i .rrd`.xml; done
for i in *.xml; do rrdtool restore $i `basename $i .xml`.rrd;done

or use find if you ...
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Spam Assassin Ruleset Bug

Spam Assassin Ruleset Bug

The Quality Assurance team discovered a bug within the SpamAssassin ruleset that will mark messages sent in the year 2010 (that's today) and beyond with a higher spam score than expected. This bug can result in legitimate mail being flagged as spam.

The cPanel Development team has issued a hot fix that will address this issue and will automatically update the SpamAssassin ruleset to resolve this issue. If you have automatic ...
Read more : Spam Assassin Ruleset Bug | Views : 2704 | Replies : 0

cPanel`s main shared IP

You can find main cPanel`s IP in the following files:
Main cPanel IP: /var/cpanel/mainip
Basic cPanel/WHM setup: /etc/wwwacct.conf
Read more : cPanel`s main shared IP | Views : 2192 | Replies : 0

OpenSSL notes


* req = certificate signing request
* key = unencrypted private key
* pem = encrypted private key
* crt = signed certificate

Create a Certificate Signing request

1. Create an RSA key and a signing request
Code: Select all
openssl req -new -days 3650 -config <config file> -out certreq.req -keyout server.pem

2. The -config is optional.
3. The PEM passphrase requested is the passphrase for encrypting server.pem. Some applications may require an unencrypted key (eg ...
Read more : OpenSSL notes | Views : 2135 | Replies : 0

Terminate/suspendacct scripts features

The switch in /scritps/killacct that keeps the DNS of an account like the check box in WHM "Keep Dns Zone (needed if you have moved a domain between servers in the same dns trust relationship, and wish to remove the old domain)" is :
Code: Select all
/scripts/killacct {accountname} n

The switch of /scripts/suspendacct script that prevents resellers from unsuspending the account is:
Code: Select all
/scripts/suspendacct {accountname} "The reason for suspension" 1

This will create two additional files.
The ...
Read more : Terminate/suspendacct scripts features | Views : 2930 | Replies : 0 commercial and free services

Spamhaus DNSBL Usage

There are two ways to query the Spamhaus DNSBLs (SBL, XBL, PBL and the combined ZEN lists), your mail server either sends queries out to Spamhaus's free public servers around the internet or sends queries locally to a private server on your own network. Which one you use, depends on your DNSBL needs and how you intend to use our DNSBLs. Free Use utilizes our free public servers, while Professional Use utilizes ...
Read more : commercial and free services | Views : 3000 | Replies : 0

cPanel BoxTrapper

The cPanel BoxTrapper allows you to activate email verification for those not on your white list. This means that any mail address that is not placed on your white list will be required to send back a verification email to ensure that they are not a spammer. This function can be quite useful in preventing automatic mailings that you do not wish to receive from reaching your inbox.
Read more : cPanel BoxTrapper | Views : 2044 | Replies : 0

Change frequency for chkservd

You can change frequency for native cPanel service check daemon (chkservd) from default value "every 5 minutes" to desired one:
edit /usr/local/cpanel/libexec/chkservd:
Code: Select all
vi /usr/local/cpanel/libexec/chkservd

Search for the following line:
Code: Select all

500 is for 8 minutes 20 seconds
And change to desired frequency.
Then restart chkservd service:
Code: Select all
/etc/init.d/chkservd restart
Read more : Change frequency for chkservd | Views : 2247 | Replies : 0

Install/uninstall cPanel proxy domains

How can I (or my customers) access webmail, cPanel and WHM on port 80? I am behind a strict firewall?

We have built functionality into cPanel to use and over port 80 so that you can still access cPanel and your webmail behind a proxy server. Simply replace with the name of your website.

This functionality can be turned on and off in the Tweak Settings menu of WHM. The specific setting ...
Read more : Install/uninstall cPanel proxy domains | Views : 10337 | Replies : 1




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