2. Make sure you disable all other repos and only have CentOS Base and Updates repositories enabled. It will require a bit more manual steps to perform an update in case other (non-default ones) repos were in use.
The Quality Assurance team discovered a bug within the SpamAssassin ruleset that will mark messages sent in the year 2010 (that's today) and beyond with a higher spam score than expected. This bug can result in legitimate mail being flagged as spam.
The cPanel Development team has issued a hot fix that will address this issue and will automatically update the SpamAssassin ruleset to resolve this issue. If you have automatic ...
nextboot -- specify an alternate kernel and boot flags for the next reboot
nextboot -k kernel nextboot -D
The nextboot utility allows specifying an alternate kernel and/or boot flags for the next time the machine is booted. Once the loader(8) loads in the new kernel information, it is deleted so in case the new kernel hangs the machine, once it is rebooted, the machine will automatically revert to its previous ...
The first prompt appears at user mode. User mode allows you to view the state of the router, but does not allow you to modify its configuration. Do not confuse the term "user" as used in user mode with users of the network. User mode is intended for the network technicians, operators, and engineers who have the responsibility to configure network devices.
The enable command is used to enter the privileged ...