suid vpslogin xen (ssh to compute node)

Deprecated. There is a better alternative form different points of view - please check SolusVM

suid vpslogin xen (ssh to compute node)

Postby lik » Sun Sep 20, 2009 4:37 pm

The vpslogin program allows control panel users to login to the compute node and access their xen consoles directly using their control panel credentials. This is useful for example to reset the root password. Accessing the Xen console required root privileges. That executable makes sure that the user logging in gets access only to his VMs.

Need to put /usr/local/sbin/vpslogin suid on the compute node for it to work correctly.
Code: Select all
chmod u+s /usr/local/sbin/vpslogin

Without suid:

User Name: testuser
ERROR Internal error: Could not obtain handle on privileged command interface (13 = Permission denied)
Error: Most commands need root access. Please try again as root.
Your Domain ID:
1. List VMs
2. Connect to Domain
3. Exit
Enter your Option:1
Listing XEN VM...
ERROR Internal error: Could not obtain handle on privileged command interface (13 = Permission denied)
Error: Most commands need root access. Please try again as root.
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