FluidVM Re-sync Virtualserver List errors

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FluidVM Re-sync Virtualserver List errors

Postby lik » Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:51 am

Recent FluidVM update was quite painful. The source of the issue was latest internal framework changes.

First error which was noticed is "Cannot have special characters other than (_) and (.)":
Code: Select all
2010-01-10 14:41:23,699 29650 INFO 2010-01-10 14:41:23 - INFO: [hostname] value error, Expecting a valid string. Cannot have special characters other than (_) and (.)
2010-01-10 14:41:23,707 29650 ERROR
2010-01-10 14:41:23 - EXCEPTION: [hostname] value error, Expecting a valid string. Cannot have special characters other than (_) and (.)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./compute_node.py", line 1318, in connect
  File "./compute_node.py", line 671, in sync_vps_list
  File "./compute_node.py", line 809, in add_existing_vps
  File "./nov09release/framework/pylesBase.py", line 203, in __setattr__
  File "./nov09release/framework/pylesBase.py", line 215, in validate_attribute
  File "./utils.py", line 142, in validate_alphanumeric_string
ValidationError: [hostname] value error, Expecting a valid string. Cannot have special characters other than (_) and (.)
2010-01-10 14:41:23,720 29650 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./compute_node.py", line 1318, in connect
  File "./compute_node.py", line 671, in sync_vps_list
  File "./compute_node.py", line 809, in add_existing_vps
  File "./nov09release/framework/pylesBase.py", line 203, in __setattr__
  File "./nov09release/framework/pylesBase.py", line 215, in validate_attribute
  File "./utils.py", line 142, in validate_alphanumeric_string
ValidationError: [hostname] value error, Expecting a valid string. Cannot have special characters other than (_) and (.)

Second error states "[hostname] value error, length should be between [3] and [30]"
Code: Select all
2010-01-10 15:50:41,298 2088 INFO 2010-01-10 15:50:41 - INFO: [hostname] value error, length should be between [3] and [30]
2010-01-10 15:50:41,305 2088 ERROR
2010-01-10 15:50:41 - EXCEPTION: [hostname] value error, length should be between [3] and [30]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./compute_node.py", line 1318, in connect
  File "./compute_node.py", line 671, in sync_vps_list
  File "./compute_node.py", line 809, in add_existing_vps
  File "./nov09release/framework/pylesBase.py", line 203, in __setattr__
  File "./nov09release/framework/pylesBase.py", line 215, in validate_attribute
  File "./utils.py", line 140, in validate_alphanumeric_string
ValidationError: [hostname] value error, length should be between [3] and [30]
2010-01-10 15:50:41,318 2088 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./compute_node.py", line 1318, in connect
  File "./compute_node.py", line 671, in sync_vps_list
  File "./compute_node.py", line 809, in add_existing_vps
  File "./nov09release/framework/pylesBase.py", line 203, in __setattr__
  File "./nov09release/framework/pylesBase.py", line 215, in validate_attribute
  File "./utils.py", line 140, in validate_alphanumeric_string
ValidationError: [hostname] value error, length should be between [3] and [30]

Due to the above issues automatic virtualserver list synchronization failed. Following workaround was found.

Login into compute node and find all the "incorrect" (by means of FluidVM) VMs. Having this done perform the following actions to temporary "fix" the issue:

# vzlist 100
110 170 running xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx srv1.my-long-and-incorrect-vps-hostname.com
Code: Select all
vzctl set 110 --hostname srv1.myvps.com --save

Repeat this action if it is required for other VMs.

Add this compute node to the FluidVM Management node and perform "Re-sync Virtualserver List".
Monitor this process:
Code: Select all
tail -f /var/log/vkarma.log

Once you receive "DEBUG: All VirtualServer parameters under ComputeNode has been Synced" message the half of the issue is past.

Now you need to login into admin interface to FluidVM Management node and edit:
Virtual Server -> myvps.vm -> Properties -> Edit to set correct Hostname for VMs.

That`s all.
Posts: 497
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:21 am

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